The Liesbeek flows from the back of Table Mountain for a distance of some 9 km (through Kirstenbosch and the southern suburbs) before joining the Black River and finally exciting into Table Bay. Historically it is a very important river. The area within the confines of the Upper Liesbeek River Garden (ULRG) is undoubtedly the most beautiful and non-impacted section of the Liesbeek. The area is part of a vital conservation and recreational corridor running through the urban environment.
Urban rivers are under threat and everyone must endeavour to preserve and manage both our rivers and the environment associated with them. For too long, the public has neglected to appreciate rivers’ valuable role in their daily lives. With the present trend of densification of the urban environment, we need to conserve and protect such valuable and fast-diminishing natural and historic assets.
We are indebted to our residents, donors and visitors who support us financially in our endeavours and enable us to show that ‘we can all make a difference’