In this month’s update, we wanted to give you a small glimpse into the protection of the rhinos that you support, as well as the
effort and dedication of the rangers and anti-poaching unit. Every rhino at Care for Wild is protected 24/7. Whether they are in the
rehabilitation phase at the bomas, or in the rewilding and release programme. This means that in all weathers, every hour of every
day, our rangers protect our rhinos. Storm, Sprit, Grey, Jemu and Lilli are free ranging in the Intensive Protection Zone and Rhino
Monitors must continue to protect and monitor them even after dark. Recent technological advances and the implementation of
tablets and cameras help support the work of ‘boots on the ground’. A thermal imaging scope is a particularly useful tool.
Long-serving and experienced rhino monitors are able to identify individual rhinos through this scope. Here you can see Spirit,
Jemu, Grey, Lilli (behind the bale) and Forrest eating from the teff bales whilst Storm patrols his territory and comes across and a
herd of wildebeest.