Spirit Foundation – Full Circle


Former President Nelson Mandela was undoubtedly correct when observing that, “a nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones”.

At the Spirit Foundation, we do not perceive of citizens as being higher or lower in value as human beings. Rather, we are cognisant of inequality, disadvantage and limited opportunity. Our core purpose is to make a meaningful contribution to assisting others to overcome unequal opportunity and disadvantage.

All three of our foundations, the Spirit Education Foundation, the Spirit Community Foundation and the Spirit Wildlife Foundation, address our core vision, mission and purpose.

The SEF provides education and holistic support to young people attending high school and I am sure you will find the stories and remarkable achievements of the SEF contained in the Full Circle truly inspiring, just as we are inspired by their vitality and determination to become role models for others.

The Spirit Community Foundation focuses its work on supporting members of our community by providing them with a better life opportunities. This can range from funding driving lessons for the youth in the Boland, to the provision of audiological testing and hearing aids for those suffering from hearing loss. Our support for the League of Friends of the Blind assists visually impaired and blind people to play a full and meaningful role in society and in their chosen profession.

The Spirit Wildlife Foundation adopts a holistic view to supporting the survival and sustainability of our endangered iconic species. Believing that the future of humanity and society is innately linked to that of our fellow species, the SWF supports rhino, elephant and lion conservation and those who dedicate their lives to their survival. You will find their stories moving and inspiring.

We trust that you will enjoy reading the Spirit Foundation Full Circle and should you wish to know more about our work, or contribute to our programmes, please go to https://spiritf.org/, or email us at info@spiritf.org, or give us a call on +27 (0) 21 795 5199 to support our vital work!

Finally, I wish to thank our donors and supporters, our board of trustees and staff at the Spirit Foundation for their commitment to making South Africa a better place.

Dr Armand Bam, Managing Director of The Spirit Foundation

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