Mr Alan Salisbury, a 77-year-old man who moved from Bridgewater, England to South Africa in 1976 to explore the world and experience living in another country. He was the eldest of six children. He started working at the age of 17 years in construction, experienced working in a shoe factory and returned to the construction field, working at different sites travelling around the British Isles.
Mr Salisbury was exposed to high noise throughout his working career, until 27 years ago when he retired and went into the food business. He bought a food truck to make and sell pizzas and shawarmas at various festivals around the Western Cape. He enjoyed meeting new people through this business, but when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, Mr Salisbury had to give up is passion and sold the food truck.
Mr Salisbury experiences hearing loss and tinnitus in both his ears. He still has a zest for life and wishes to continue meeting and communicating with different people, but his health impacts his quality of life. The funding from the Spirit Community Foundation will provide Mr Salisbury with a hearing aid which will greatly benefit his quality of life.