Big Issue Saturday School Success for 2024:

Saturday School for 2024 drew to a close post-final exams. Both tutors worked hard to ensure the students were well prepared, giving them past papers to work through and thus practice the exam format. The students similarly worked hard right to the end, all determined to improve on their marks for the year.

We look forward to a prosperous and successful Saturday School programme in 2025.

Big Issue would like to spotlight one of the students and their success:

Zenande Soloman who joined Maths class in March 2024. Zenande is in Matric this year and has applied to further her studies next year. She has provisional acceptance to both the University of Johannesburg and CPUT.

She says “being a Maths class learner at the Big Issue has brought achievements in my life. As learners we share a common goal and we became a family. The fears and impatience that I had with Mathematics before I joined the Big Issue class, vanished. I am comfortable with Maths and confident that I will pass Maths.” She adds that “Mr Ford is a very patient, supportive, non-judgemental, very funny and full of jokes person. He has created a healthy environment for us. We learn with fun and that makes me remember what he taught me.”

We wish Zenande all of the very best as she furthers her studies and are so pleased that Saturday School has helped her so much with her studies.